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-----ETC2-----/Daily English

[Daily English] Day4: Occupation - Speaking

by huginn30 2024. 6. 6.

이번 주 주제는 "직업 (Occupation)"입니다.

목요일 (말하기)

주제: 직업 관련 스피치 준비 및 연습


  1. 나의 직업 또는 희망하는 직업에 대해 2분 스피치를 준비해보세요.
  2. 스피치에 포함할 내용:
    • 직업명 (Job title)
    • 주요 업무 (Main duties)
    • 직업 선택 이유 (Reasons for choosing this job)
    • 직업에서의 목표 (Goals in this job)

예시 스피치:

Job Title: Software Engineer


Main Duties: Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name], and I am a software engineer. As a software engineer, my main duties include developing and maintaining software applications. I spend a significant amount of time writing and debugging code to ensure our software runs smoothly. Additionally, I analyze user requirements to design systems that meet their needs. Collaborating with my team is also a crucial part of my job, as we work together to manage and complete various projects. Continuous learning and improvement are key aspects of my role, as the technology field is constantly evolving.


Reasons for Choosing this Job: I chose to become a software engineer because of my passion for technology and problem-solving. Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by computers and how they work. This curiosity led me to pursue a career in software engineering. I enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems and the satisfaction of seeing my solutions come to life. The IT industry offers numerous growth opportunities, and I am excited to be part of a field that is always advancing.


Goals in this Job: In my career as a software engineer, my primary goal is to continue developing my skills and staying updated with the latest technological advancements. I aim to contribute to innovative projects that have a positive impact on users. Additionally, I hope to mentor junior engineers and share my knowledge to help them grow in their careers. Ultimately, I aspire to become a lead engineer, where I can take on more responsibilities and lead a team to success.

이 예시 스피치를 참고하여 자신의 직업 또는 희망하는 직업에 대해 작성해보세요. 작성한 후에는 직접 연습해보시고, 가능하다면 녹음하여 발음을 확인해보세요.
