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-----ETC2-----/Daily English

[Daily English] Day1: Occupation - Reading

by cogito21_python 2024. 6. 3.

이번 주 주제는 "직업 (Occupation)"입니다.




월요일 (읽기)

주제: 직업에 관한 에세이 읽기



  1. 다음 에세이를 읽어주세요: "The Importance of Choosing the Right Career".


Choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions in a person's life. A fulfilling career can provide not only financial stability but also personal satisfaction and a sense of purpose. There are several factors to consider when choosing a career, such as personal interests, skills, and the job market.


First, personal interests play a crucial role in career satisfaction. When you are passionate about your work, you are more likely to be motivated and engaged. For example, someone who loves technology might find a career in software development very rewarding.


Second, evaluating your skills and strengths is essential. Identifying what you are good at can help you find a career that suits you well. For instance, if you have strong analytical skills, you might thrive in fields like finance or engineering.


Lastly, the job market should not be overlooked. It's important to choose a career that offers good job prospects and growth opportunities. Researching industry trends and demand can provide valuable insights into the future stability of a career.


In conclusion, choosing the right career involves a combination of understanding your interests, assessing your skills, and considering the job market. Making a well-informed decision can lead to a fulfilling and successful career.



질문에 답하기:

  1. What are the main points discussed in the essay?
  2. List three new vocabulary words and their definitions.


영영 단어장

  1. Career (n.)
    • Definition: An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.
    • Example: She chose a career in medicine.
  2. Fulfilling (adj.)
    • Definition: Making someone feel satisfied or happy because of fully developing their character or abilities.
    • Example: Teaching is a fulfilling career for many people.
  3. Financial stability (n.)
    • Definition: The condition of having a steady income or other resources to support a standard of living now and in the foreseeable future.
    • Example: A good career can provide financial stability.
  4. Personal satisfaction (n.)
    • Definition: The feeling of pleasure or achievement that you get from your work or activities.
    • Example: Finding a job that gives you personal satisfaction is important.
  5. Sense of purpose (n.)
    • Definition: The feeling of having a clear aim or purpose in life.
    • Example: A career in healthcare gives her a strong sense of purpose.
  6. Passionate (adj.)
    • Definition: Having or showing strong feelings or a strong belief.
    • Example: He is passionate about his career in environmental conservation.
  7. Engaged (adj.)
    • Definition: Involved in activity; occupied.
    • Example: She feels more engaged in her work when it's something she cares about.
  8. Motivated (adj.)
    • Definition: Having a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
    • Example: A motivated employee is more productive.
  9. Evaluate (v.)
    • Definition: To judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of something.
    • Example: It's important to evaluate your skills before choosing a career.
  10. Strength (n.)
    • Definition: The quality or state of being strong, in particular.
    • Example: Analytical skills are one of his greatest strengths.
  11. Thrive (v.)
    • Definition: To grow, develop, or be successful.
    • Example: She thrives in a fast-paced work environment.
  12. Prospect (n.)
    • Definition: The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.
    • Example: The job market prospects for engineers are very good.
  13. Growth opportunities (n.)
    • Definition: Chances for advancement or development in one's career.
    • Example: This company offers many growth opportunities for its employees.
  14. Industry trends (n.)
    • Definition: Patterns or general direction of changes and developments in a particular industry.
    • Example: Staying updated with industry trends is crucial for career growth.
  15. Demand (n.)
    • Definition: The need or desire for goods and services.
    • Example: There is a high demand for skilled healthcare workers.

영한 단어장

  1. Career (직업)
    • 정의: 사람의 삶의 중요한 기간 동안 맡아진 직업, 그리고 발전할 기회가 있는 직업.
    • 예문: 그녀는 의학 분야에서 직업을 선택했습니다.
  2. Fulfilling (만족스러운)
    • 정의: 자신의 성격이나 능력을 충분히 발휘하여 만족감이나 행복감을 느끼게 하는.
    • 예문: 가르치는 일은 많은 사람들에게 만족스러운 직업입니다.
  3. Financial stability (재정적 안정)
    • 정의: 현재와 가까운 미래에 생활 수준을 유지하기 위해 일정한 수입이나 다른 자원을 갖춘 상태.
    • 예문: 좋은 직업은 재정적 안정을 제공합니다.
  4. Personal satisfaction (개인적 만족)
    • 정의: 자신의 일이나 활동에서 얻는 기쁨이나 성취감.
    • 예문: 개인적 만족을 주는 직업을 찾는 것이 중요합니다.
  5. Sense of purpose (목적의식)
    • 정의: 삶에서 명확한 목표나 목적을 가지고 있다는 느낌.
    • 예문: 의료 분야에서 일하는 것은 그녀에게 강한 목적의식을 줍니다.
  6. Passionate (열정적인)
    • 정의: 강한 감정이나 신념을 가지고 있거나 보여주는.
    • 예문: 그는 환경 보호 분야에서 열정적입니다.
  7. Engaged (몰두한)
    • 정의: 활동에 참여하는; 바쁜.
    • 예문: 그녀는 자신이 관심을 가지는 일을 할 때 더 몰두합니다.
  8. Motivated (동기 부여된)
    • 정의: 특정 방식으로 행동하거나 행동할 이유가 있는.
    • 예문: 동기 부여된 직원은 더 생산적입니다.
  9. Evaluate (평가하다)
    • 정의: 무언가의 중요성, 가치 또는 품질을 판단하거나 결정하는 것.
    • 예문: 직업을 선택하기 전에 자신의 능력을 평가하는 것이 중요합니다.
  10. Strength (강점)
    • 정의: 특히 강한 상태 또는 품질.
    • 예문: 분석 능력은 그의 가장 큰 강점 중 하나입니다.
  11. Thrive (번영하다)
    • 정의: 성장하고 발전하거나 성공하다.
    • 예문: 그녀는 빠른 속도의 작업 환경에서 번영합니다.
  12. Prospect (전망)
    • 정의: 어떤 미래 사건이 발생할 가능성 또는 확률.
    • 예문: 엔지니어의 직업 시장 전망은 매우 좋습니다.
  13. Growth opportunities (성장 기회)
    • 정의: 경력에서 발전이나 개발할 기회.
    • 예문: 이 회사는 직원들에게 많은 성장 기회를 제공합니다.
  14. Industry trends (산업 동향)
    • 정의: 특정 산업의 변화와 발전의 패턴이나 일반적인 방향.
    • 예문: 산업 동향을 최신 상태로 유지하는 것은 경력 성장에 필수적입니다.
  15. Demand (수요)
    • 정의: 상품과 서비스에 대한 필요나 욕구.
    • 예문: 숙련된 의료 인력에 대한 수요가 높습니다.